Solar System toy in WebXR.

Made this to play with my nieces and nephews.

WebXR - Supports both AR and VR devices:

  • Android - Chrome and Samsung Internet.
  • Oculus Quest 1, 2, etc... - Oculus Browser.
  • Hololens 2 - Edge.
  • Windows Desktop - Chrome and Edge when a VR device is connected.
  • Apple Vision Pro - WebXR VR mode.


On mobile - Touch a planet and drag it. Same in AR mode.

On AR/VR headsets - Enter AR/VR and grab a planet using the controller or hand(if supported). You can also grab the Sun.

On desktop flat mode - You can rotate and zoom in the view using WASD/Arrows and mouse wheel.

Desktop VR Settings - You can enable Spectator Mode, for others to see what the player is doing. You can also use Mixed Reality Capture with a webcam, to merge between realities.

Extra Credits:

Stars background and planets textures by Solar System Scope - -

Solar System Physics tutorial by Coderious -